
Johannes Schadee (1968) graduated as an engineer (ing) at the technical university of The Hague in 1990. From that moment on he has been travelling the world taking jobs as they come. Since 1994 he has been working as a free lance contractor,working for external agencies, but mainly for his own company. Since 2022 he works as a self employed consultant from Greece.

Companies Served

Telco: Alcatel Telecom, Lucent Technologies

FinTech: Worldline, Ingenico, GlobalCollect

Locations Worked

Long duration: France, Belgium, Norway, Australia, Greece, The Netherlands

Crisis Management: Latvia, China, Spain

Technological Background

From 1980 onwards (calling name) Johan developed an interest in micro electronics building his first radio receiver, and lesser approved radio transmitters. Moving into digital electronics this resulting in 1985 building add-ons for his Commodore Amiga.

In 1990 his engineers degree (ing) was achieved at the polytechnical university of The Hague in Higher Informatics.

Keeping an interest in modern technologies an ever increasing bookshelf is kept, with usefull and less usefull (WAP?) technological topics.

Most Recent Technologies

Terraform, Puppet, Hiera, Gitlab, Docker, Docker-Swarm, Containerization, Google Cloud Service, Scrum


With dozens of certificates you would maybe not expect that I do not care much about it as I consider a degree as a statement of capabilites.

Worth Mentioning:

  • Corporate Finance: certified Capital Markets and Securities Analyst

  • PADI: Scuba Specialty Instructor (more than 10 specialties: expired)

Get in Touch

Contact: johan@schadee.consulting

Phone: To reduce unsollicited phonecalls, my number is available only by email request.

Located in Greece

Βρίσκεται στην Ελλάδα